GALERIJA PODROOM, konkurs za izlagačku sezonu za 2019. godinu

*Scroll down for the English version
Kulturni centar Beograda poziva Vas da pošaljete predloge za izložbe – samostalne, grupne, autorske/kustoske koncepcije – koje će biti realizovane u galeriji Podroom tokom izlagačke sezone 2019. godine.
Konkurs je otvoren do 31. maja 2018.
Prijave se šalju isključivo elektronskom poštom i to na adresu:
Najljubaznije Vas molimo da pažljivo pročitate uslove konkursa i informacije o onome što nudi izlagački prostor galerije pre slanja prijava. Prijave koje budu nepotpune i/ili koje stignu nakon navedenog roka neće biti razmatrane.
English version
Program i kriterijumi:
U fokusu izložbenog programa za 2019. godinu, koji će biti odabran na konkursu biće pokretne slike: video, video instalacije, umetnički film i animacija kao i multimedijalne instalacije. Akcenat će kao i do sada biti stavljen na eksperimentalnost pristupa kada je reč o prezentaciji rada(ova).
U 2019. godini u galeriji Podroom slobodna su 7 termina za izložbe, svaki u trajanju od minimum 3 nedelje.
Uslovi konkursa:
∎ Konkurs je otvoren za pojedince, grupe i institucije;
∎ Konkurs je međunarodni odnosno na konkursu mogu da učestvuju građani Republike Srbije i strani državljani;
∎ Prijave se šalju na srpskom (ili nekom od jezika zemalja bivše Jugoslavije) i/ili engleskom jeziku;
∎ Postoji mogućnost da pojedinačni predlozi odnosno autori/autorke budu pozvani da razmotre učešće u grupnim izložbama/projektima;
Tehničke informacije o izlagačkom prostoru i uslovi:
• 200 m² izlagačkog prostora (plan galerije / fotografije / video zapis)
• Tehnička oprema i tim za postavku;
• Usluge pr-a i grafičkog dizajnera;
• Institucionalna podrška u obezbeđivanju dodatnih finansijskih sredstava za realizaciju;
• Mogućnost pokrivanja post-produkcijskih troškova;
• Ostali troškovi koje pokriva galerija: prevod tekstova na srpski/engleski, štampa lagendi i drugih tekstova za potrebe izložbe; smeštaj za autore/autorke, troškovi otvaranja, foto dokumentacija;
• Poštanski troškovi (TNT, FEDEX, DXL i sl.) u skladu sa mogućnostima;
• Svi detalji budućih saradnji biće definisani posebnim ugovorom;
Konkursni materijal:
∎ Kratak opis izložbe/izložbenog projekta – tekst maksimalne dužine jedne stranice (oko 1.800 karaktera) u kojem je jasno objašnjena ideja izložbe;
∎ Vizuelna dokumentacija podrazumeva uputstva za mogućnost pregleda video materijala ili/i maksimum do 10 fotografija: iz video materijala, skica, crteža i sl. koje ilustruju izložbu odnosno rad(ove). Fotografije slati u jpeg formatu u PDF dokumentu ili kao zipovan fajl (MAX 8MB);
∎ Kratka biografija/biografije autora/autorki i/ili učesnika/učesnica;
∎ Materijal se šalje isključivo u jednom (1) mejlu na elektronsku adresu
sa naznakom „PODROOM 2019“
Napomena: nije potrebno slati kataloge, portfolio, dvd, brošure ili drugu sličnu dokumentaciju, koja neće biti uzeta u obzir. Elektronskim putem svi će biti obavešteni o uspešno pristiglom konkursnom materijalu.
Savet galerije Podroom napraviće uži izbor, nakon čega će pojedini podnosioci prijava biti kontaktirani i zamoljeni da pošalju dodatni materijal koji se odnosi na njihove predloge (dodatni materijal o radovima, budžetu neophodnim za realizaciju, mogućim datumima izložbe i sl.)
Finalna lista odabranih predloga biće objavljena na sajtu Kulturnog centra Beograda do kraja juna meseca 2018.
Savet galerije Podroom formirao je Kulturni centar Beograda i ima jednogodišnji mandat:
Branka Benčić je povjesničarka umjetnosti i kustosica sa središnjim interesom za suvremenu umjetnost, film, povijest izložbi i kustoske prakse.
Srđan Keča je reditelj i docent na Departmanu za umetnost i istoriju umetnosti Univerziteta Stanford, SAD.
Zorana Đaković Minniti je koordinatorka međunarodnih projekata i programa galerije Podroom u Kulturnom centru Beograda.
Galerija PODROOM je otvorena u septembru 2012. godine i nalazi se u donjem, podrumskom nivou prostorija Kulturnog centra Beograda. Program je baziran na projektima, izložbama i programima koji su rezultat međunarodne i regionalne saradnje. U fokusu programa su savremena kretanja u oblasti filma, videa, animacije i pokretnih slika sa akcentom na kritičko promišljanje savremenog konteksta i okruženja od strane savremenih vizuelnih umetnika i institucija.
Video pogledajte ovde.

The Cultural Centre of Belgrade invites you to submit proposals for exhibitions – solo, group, auteur/curatorial concepts – that will be realized in the Podroom Gallery during the 2019 Exhibition Season.
The competition is open until May 31, 2018.
Applications to be submitted by e-mail to
We kindly ask you to read carefully the terms of the competition and information on what the gallery’s exhibition space offers before submitting your application. Incomplete applications and/or those received after the stated deadline will not be considered.
Programme and Criteria:
The exhibition programme for 2019, selected at the competition, will focus on moving images: video, video installation, art film and animation and multimedia installation. When it comes to the presentation of the work(s), as before, the accent will be placed on the experimental approach.
In 2019, the Podroom Gallery has 7 free dates for exhibitions, each for a minimum of 3 weeks.
Terms of the Competition:
∎ The competition is open to individuals, groups and institutions;
∎ The competition is international, i.e., the citizens of the Republic of Serbia and foreign citizens can take part in the competition;
∎ Applications are sent in Serbian (or some of the languages of the countries of former Yugoslavia) and/or the English language;
∎ Individual proposals/authors might be invited to consider participation in group exhibitions/projects;
Technical information about the exhibition space and conditions:
• 200 m² of exhibition space (the gallery ground plan / photographs / video)
• Technical equipment and the setup team;
• PR’s and graphic designer’s services;
• Institutional support in securing additional financial resources for the realization;
• Possibility to cover post-production costs;
• Other expenses covered by the gallery: translation of texts into Serbian/English, printing of legends and other written material for the exhibition; accommodation for the authors, expenses for the opening, photo documentation;
• Postage costs (TNT, FEDEX, DHL, etc.) in line with possibilities;
• All details of future co-operation will be defined by a separate contract;
Competition material:
∎ Short description of the exhibition / exhibition project – a text (maximum length of one page/about 1,800 characters) clearly explaining the idea of the exhibition;
∎ Visual documentation includes instructions for reviewing the video material and/or maximum of 10 photographs: from video material, sketches, drawings, etc., that illustrate the exhibition/work(s). Send photographs in the jpeg format in a PDF document or as zipped file (MAX 8MB);
∎ Brief biography/biographies of the authors and/or participants;
∎ Send the material in one (1) e-mail only to, specifying “PODROOM 2019”
Note: You do not need to send catalogues, portfolios, DVDs, brochures or other similar documentation; they will not be taken into consideration. We will acknowledge successful receipt of competition material to everyone via e-mail.
The Podroom Gallery Council will make a narrow choice, after which some applicants will be contacted and asked to send additional material related to their proposals (additional material about the works, the budget necessary for the realization, possible dates of the exhibition, etc.)
The final list of the selected proposals will be published on the site of the Cultural Centre of Belgrade by the end of June 2018.
The Podroom Gallery Council, formed by the Cultural Centre of Belgrade, has a one-year mandate:
Branka Benčić is an art historian and curator whose main interest is contemporary art, film, history of exhibitions and curatorial practices.
Srđan Keča is a film director and assistant professor at the Department of Art and Art History at Stanford University, USA.
Zorana Đaković Minniti is the coordinator of international projects and the coordinator of the Podroom Gallery programme at the Cultural Centre of Belgrade.
The PODROOM Gallery was established in September 2012 and is located in the lower basement level of the premises of the Cultural Centre of Belgrade. Its programme is based on projects, exhibitions and programmes resulting from international and regional cooperation. It focuses on contemporary movements in the fields of film, video, animation and moving images with the emphasis on critical thinking on the contemporary context and environment by contemporary visual artists and institutions.
Watch video here.