Joko Ono i Džon Lenon / Yoko Ono & John Lennon / Bjarn Melgor / Bjarne Melgaard / 24.10. / 17.00

Sreda / Wednesday, 24. 10.
17.00 Joko Ono i Džon Lenon / Yoko Ono & John Lennon, RAPE, 17’
Film je snimljen iz oka kamere koja prati mladu devojku kroz ulice grada. Kamera juri za njom niz jednu usku ulicu i obara je, na simboličan način, tako da sve izgleda kao video-napad. Nema dijaloga.
The film is made from the point of view of a cameraman that follows a young woman through the streets of a city. He chases her down an alley and knocks her over, in a symbolic form of video-assault. No dialogue.
Bjarn Melgor / Bjarne Melgaard, LET YOUR MIND BE YOUR BED, 20’
Bez obzira da li govore o suštinskim istinama ili izgovaraju stvari koje se mogu definisati kao opšta mesta ili čiste banalnosti, ljudske figure u savremenom svetu izgledaju kao obične lutke, i umetnik bira da ih predstai kao takve, uz mnogo smisla za humor.
No matter whether they speak about essential truths or talk about something that belongs to common knowledge or to pure banalities, human beings in nowdays world appeare to be simple puppets, so the artist choose to represent them as such figures, with a lot of humour.
Jasmina Cibic / Jasmina Cibic, NADA / NADA (Act I), 10’56’’
NADA / NADA (Act II), 13’01’’
NADA / NADA (Act III – The Exibition), 17’14’’
Napravljen posebno za ovu izložbu, film postavlja pitanja o ruševinama jedne scenografije i njenog političkog konteksta koji su ostali nakon nestanka jedne zemlje – da li jedna jasno definisana estetika i jezik arhitekture nestaju kada izgube ono što ih podržava?
Made especiallly for the exibition, the film questions the ruins of scenography and political context that are left behind after the disappearance of the country – clearly defined aesthetic and architectural language, are they disappearing when everything that supports them vanished?
Filmovi se prikazuju u originalnoj verziji bez prevoda, sa titlovima na engleskom jeziku.
Ulaznice 57. Oktobarskog salona (200 din., Resavska 40b) važe i za filmske projekcije.
Organizator zadržava pravo izmene programa.
Films are shown in the original version without translation, with subtitles in English.
Tickets for the 57th October Salon (200 RSD, Resavska 40b) are also valid for the film screenings.
The organizer reserves the right to change the programme.