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Galerija Artget, Trg republike 5/I
Nedelja, 13.oktobar 2019, 11.00-13.00
PANEL Skulptura u gradu – studije slučajeva
Dva umetnika Ričard Dikon i Mrđan Bajić autori su koncepta i dizajna pešačke pasarele koja povezuje Kalemegdan i savsko šetalište. Prva faza realizacije ovog projekta, zajednička monumentalna skulptura “Odavde donde”, je završena. Radovi na uređenju partera se nastavljaju i po njihovom okončanju projekat će u potpunosti biti zaokružen.
Završetak skulpture, kao krune višegodišnje saradnje dva umetnika, povod je za organizaciju panela Skulptura u gradu – studije slučajeva.
Javne skulpture, obeležavanje istorijskih ličnosti, mesta sećanja i konstruisanje istorije su ne samo beogradski već i šire regionalni problem.
Beograd se kroz nekoliko poslednjih javnih konkursa za spomenička obeležja i komplekse suočio sa mnogim nedoumicama: akademski, devetnaestovekovni, tradicionalni ili savremeni pristup zadatoj temi. Izabrana rešenja su u najvećem broju slučajeva primana sa neodobravanjem javnosti, a često i stručnjaka.
Ovaj skup želi da prikupi mišljenja stručnjaka, profesora univerziteta, umetničkih kritičara, profesionalca i kustosa, iz zemlje i inostranstva, kako bi se kroz prikaz studija slučajeva predstavio informativni presek veoma različitih iskustava, koja su nam možda manje poznata i izvan su polja sagledavanja naše sredine.
Cilj razgovora je da na osnovu kritički sagledanih primera iz domaćeg i međunarodnog konteksta, omogući ovdašnjoj publici i stručnjacima da iz drugog ugla i sa možda drugačije definisanim parametrima, još jednom valorizuju primere konkursnih rešenja i realizovanih skulpura u javnom prostoru iz beogradskog okruženja.
Namera je takođe da se sa pozicije struke, utiče na buduće raspise konkursa za skulptoralna obeležja, vodeći pre svega računa o njihovim kulturno-istorijsko-prostornim kontekstima, ali i savremenom trenutku u kome dela nastaju i porukama koje treba da prenesu sadašnjim i generacijama koje tek dolaze.
Ričard Dikon, vajar; Mrđan Bajić, vajar; Simona Čupić, istoričar umetnosti; Erik Pari, arhitekta; Andrea Šliker, kustos, Tejt Britan; Džonatan Vud, kustos, Fondacija Henri Mur; Olivije Kaplen, kustos i kritičar, umetnički direktor, Fondacija Maght; Anri-Fransoa Debaje, kustos i kritičar; Gijom Pikon, kustos i kritičar; Erik Derimo, galerista i kustos; Feđa Klikovac, umetnik i kustos
Moderator: Danica Jovović Prodanović, arhitekta

Artget Gallery, Trg republike 5/I
Sunday, October 13, 2019, 11am – 1pm
PANEL Sculpture in the City – Case Studies
Two artists – Richard Deacon and Mrđan Bajić are the authors of the concept and design for the footbridge linking Kalemegdan and the Sava Promenade. The first phase of the project, the joint monumental sculpture “From Here to There”, has been realized. The works on the parterre continue and when they are finished, the project will be fully completed.
The completion of the sculpture, as the crown of a years-long collaboration between the two artists, is the reason for organizing the panel Sculpture in the City – Case Studies.
Public sculptures, commemorations of historical figures, places of remembrance and the construction of history are not only a Belgrade problem but a broader regional issue.
In several past public competitions for monumental memorials and complexes, Belgrade has faced many dilemmas: an academic, nineteenth-century, traditional or contemporary approach to a given topic. In most cases, the selected solutions have been met with disapproval by the wider public, and often by professionals, too.
This meeting seeks to gather opinions of local and foreign experts, university professors, art critics, professionals, and curators in order to present, through case studies, an informative cross-section of very different experiences, maybe less known to us here and beyond our field of view.
The aim of the discussion is to enable the local public and professionals to re-evaluate – based on critically reviewed examples from the local and international context – the examples of competition decisions and realized sculptures in public space in Belgrade from a different angle and maybe with differently defined parameters.
The intention is also to influence, from a professional point of view, in future calls for applications for sculpture memorials, primarily taking into account their cultural, historical and spatial contexts, but also the contemporary moment in which works are created and the messages they are to convey to the present generations and those yet to come.
Richard Deacon, sculptor; Mrđan Bajić, sculptor; Simona Čupić, art historian; Eric Parry, architect; Andrea Schlieker, curator, Tate Britain; Jonathan Wood, curator, Henry Moor Foundation; Olivier Kaeppelin, art director, Fondation Maeght; Henri-Francois Deballeux, curator art critic; Guillaume Picon, curator and art critic; Eric Dereumaux, curator and art critic; Feđa Klikovac, artist and curator
Moderator: Danica Jovović Prodanović, architect