Milica Lukić | Miroslav Perković • CONVERSIONS

Art Gallery, Knez Mihailova 6
5/10 – 11/11/2023
Milica Lukić | Miroslav Perković
Guest Artist: Andrei Warren
Conversions talk about where and how works (of art) are created. They talk about the workness of works*, the genesis of works, their origin or source. About the ways of creation and formation of a work, its possibilities and aspects it addresses. The conditions under which a work was created. Sometimes, it is a surplus, sometimes it arises due to a deficit of whatever – perception, minimization, reduction, existence. Sometimes, we assign to simple, plain things, ordinary things, the rank, parameters of what we want this thing to be.
The sculptural installation afterwards named Conversions, is actually an altered part of Cityproject. The works (simply) reveal or cover all states, relationships in the dimensions of the world. They have no special codifications, keys and magic of transforming something into something else, into what it is not. The matter is simple and that is why the Cityproject emerged from a series of sessions in Paris, London and New York (1999-09), in existential crisis conditions – emphasizing – in the surplus or deficit of reality, emotions, stress, extravagance, perspective, phobias, etcetera…
Here is the text accompanying the exhibition

Milica Lukić, born 1959, Belgrade Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade, Department of painting, Prof. Stojan Ćelić, 1983-85 Postgraduate studies, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade, Department of painting, Prof. Milica Stevanović, 1983-85 Postgraduate scholarship for specialisation, Awarded by Spanish Goverment, Complutense Madrid 1989-90 Sculpture workshop of Richard Deacon, Talleres de Arte actual, Circulo de Bellas Artes, Madrid 1995 Conference de Jacques Derrida, Congrès Rethoriques de la fin du siecle, Universite de Valence 1998
Miroslav Perković, born 1951, Titograd New School, Reformed Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, 1972-76 Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, 1976-80 Alternative school of Bogdan Bogdanović, Mali Popović near Belgrade 1980-81 Sculpture workshop of Richard Deacon, Talleres de Arte actual, Circulo de Bellas Artes, Madrid 1995 Conference De Jacques Derrida, Rethoriques de la fin du siecle, Universite de Valence 1998
Milica & Miroslav, live and work together, in Barcelona.