17th International Festival “Days of Organ – Dies organorum”

The edition 2017 of International Festival Days of Organ – Dies organorum, organized by The Cultural Centre of Belgrade, will be held from 27 June to 6 July and main concert program will be presented at Blessed Virgin Mary Cathedral at Zanin organ. Concerts for children and Summer Organ School will be held at the Museum of Science and Technology.
Festival concert programs put in focus music of Johann Sebastian Bach and the Lutheran legacy (on the occasion of the Reformation Jubilee) and, on the other side, gives the perspective on the organ in 20th century. Another jubilee had an important role in making this edition program conception – 60 years of The Cultural Centre of Belgrade, founder and organizer of the Festival. That is why we have invited some of the musicians who are long-standing associates of the CCB and who contributed with their engagement to the quality of our programs.
Dani orgulja / Dies organorum is now part of the EFFE festival community, facilitated by the European Festivals Association, which consists of festivals that stand for artistic quality and have a significant impact on the local, national and international level and holds the EFFE Label 2017-2018.
INTRODUCTION in collaboration with 12th International Early Music Festival in Belgrade
– admission to the concert 300 din. –
Thursday, 15 June 2017 at 20h
Cathedral of Blessed Virgin Mary, 75 Hadži Milentijeva Street
Maurice Clement (Luxembourg), organ
Pieces of De Macque, Frescobaldi, Merula, Weckmann, Froberger, Purcell, Boehm and Buxtehude
*this program is made possible by the Organization music:LX
– admission to the concerts is free –
Tuesday, 27 June 2017 at 20h30
Cathedral of Blessed Virgin Mary, 75 Hadži Milentijeva Street
Opening concert
Bach and Beyond – Organ Works based on Luther chorales from 17th to 20th century
Martin Schmeding (Germany), organ
* in collaboration with Goethe-institut Belgrade as part of the manifestation Reformationsjubiläum 2017
Wednesday, 28 June 2017 at 20h30
Cathedral of Blessed Virgin Mary, 75 Hadži Milentijeva Street
Clavier-Übung III by Johann Sebastian Bach
Marko Petričić (USA/Serbia), organ and bayan
Friday, 30 June 2017 at 20h30
Cathedral of Blessed Virgin Mary, 75 Hadži Milentijeva Street
En forme de Suite
Zoltán Borbély (Serbia), organ
Pieces of Stamm, Wammes, Kovačević and Vierne
Sunday, 2 July 2017
Museum of Science and Technology, 51 Skender-begova Street
Concert for Children
10h – Organ at the ARTYSH:LAB – Concert for children 2-5 years
with Association ARTYSH:LAB and organist Marija Družijanić
11h30 – Meet the King of Instrument – Concert for school-aged children
with Marija Družijanić and Organ students of Music School Stanković in Belgrade
Tuesday, 4 July 2017 at 20h30
Cathedral of Blessed Virgin Mary, 75 Hadži Milentijeva Street
Pavel Kohout (Czech Republic), organ
Pieces of Bach, Franck, Musil and Smetana
Wednesday, 5 July 2017 at 20h30
Cathedral of Blessed Virgin Mary, 75 Hadži Milentijeva Street
Julia Lehner (Austria), organ
Pieces of Bach, Schroeder and Mendelssohn
*in collaboration with Austrian Cultural Forum in Belgrade
Thursday, 6 July 2017 at 20h30
Cathedral of Blessed Virgin Mary, 75 Hadži Milentijeva Street
Closing concert
Organ & Fanfare
Lana Jelenković (Serbia), organ
Philipp Rebman (Germany), trumpet
Aleksandar Solunac (Serbia), trumpet
Sebastian Marhold (Austria), tuba
Pieces of Biber, Franceschini, Persichetti, Hovhaness, Hlouschek, Hindemith
All evening concerts start at 20h30 and last approximately one hour. Admission to the concerts is free.
from 25 June till 6 July 2017
Museum of Science and Technology, 51 Skender-begova Street
Lectures, master classes and individual work with the participants – students of organ (high school and academy level), as well as graduated organists.
Martin Schmeding (Germany)
Marko Petričić (USA/Serbia)
Zoltán Borbély (Serbia)
Pavel Kohout (Czech Republic)
Julia Lehner (Austria)
Summer Organ School is free of charge, but application form must be submitted to the e-mail address damjana.njegic@kcb.org.rs until 12th June. More about schedule and topics at the SO School page.
Festival is supported by: Ministry of Culture and Information, Republic of Serbia, The Municipality of Vračar – City of Belgrade, Goethe-Institut in Belgrade, Austrian Cultural Forum in Belgrade and numerous friends of the Festival.
This Festival is made possible thanks to the hospitality and support of the Archdiocese of Belgrade and Blessed Virgin Mary Cathedral as well as Museum of Science and Technology.