20th Internationla Festival “Days of Organ – Dies organorum”: CONCERT FOR CHILDREN

Organist Višnja Dimitrijević and the Baby Artysh team of musicians have chosen a concert program that will introduce the organ music to our youngest audience in a fun way.
Sunday, 18th October 2020 at 13:00
Blessed Virgin Mary Cathedral
The Organ at the Artysh:lab
– concert for children between the ages of 3 and 6 –
The relaxing atmosphere and direct contact, as well as encouraging children to interact with music are what young musicians gathered in the Artysh: lab association insist at their concerts for the youngest. On this occasion, Višnja Dimitrijević will be joining them, and together they will provide a wonderful opportunity for children to enjoy the sound and appearance of this great instrument in a fun way.
Because of the health and safety guidelines for suppression of the epidemic, the number of attendees in the Blessed Virgin Mary Cathedral is reduced. The number of attendees at the Concert for children is 20, so it is important to book your seat by email zvrc@artyshlab.com.
This year, entrance to the Blessed Virgin Mary Cathedral is possible only from the 66 Internacionalnih brigada street.

Višnja Dimitrijević (Belgrade, 1989) has been playing the piano since the age of five and the organ since the age of fourteen. After she had finished her elementary and secondary music education at Stanković Music School, more precisely at Departments of piano, theory, solo singing, this extraordinary young musician continued her schooling as one of the youngest students in her generation at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade, at the Department of Music Pedagogy. She finished her master studies with Maja Smiljanić Radić at the Department of Organ. Višnja is currently attending her PhD studies at the Department of Music Theory.
Festival “Days of Organ” is supported by the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia.