The Cultural Centre of Belgrade invites you to submit proposals for exhibitions – solo, group, auteur/curatorial concepts that will be realized in the Gallery Podroom during 2022.
The deadline to apply is July 1st 2021!
We kindly ask you to read carefully the terms and information on what the gallery’s exhibition space offers before submitting your application. Incomplete applications and/or those received after the stated deadline will not be considered.
Programme and Criteria:
Gallery was established in 2012 and is located in the lower basement level of the premises of the Cultural Centre of Belgrade. Its programme is based on projects, exhibitions and programmes resulting from international and regional cooperation.
It focuses on contemporary movements in the fields of artist’s film, video, video/multimedia installation, and animation with the emphasis on critical thinking of the contemporary context and environment.
When it comes to the presentation of the work(s) preference will be given to the experimental approach.
Proposals based and dedicated to the moving images will have priority.
The competition is open to individuals, groups and institutions;
The competition is international, i.e., the citizens of the Republic of Serbia and foreign citizens can take part in the competition;
Applications suppose to be sent ONLY IN ENGLISH or BOTH IN ENGLISH AND SERBIAN;
Individual proposals/authors might be contacted to send additional material related to their proposal and / or invited to consider participation in group exhibitions/projects;
Technical details and services provided by the Gallery:
• 200 m² of exhibition space (floor plan and images)
• Technical equipment and the setup team;
• PR’s and graphic designer’s services;
• Digital edition of the catalogue;
• Institutional support in securing additional financial resources for the realization;
• Costs covered by the Gallery: artist’s fee, curator’s/author’s of the text fee, translation and proofreading of all textual content (from Serbian to English and/or from English to Serbian), photo documentation of the exhibition, printing of labels and other didactical boards/posters, local transport of the art works (in Serbia), postal services for the art works outside Serbia (in accordance with possibilities)
• All possible production and postproduction cost, travel and accommodation costs and budget of the group exhibitions will be defined after selection of the proposals;
Applications to be sent by e-mail to podroom@kcb.rs, specifying in subject “PODROOM 2022”.
Requested material:
1. Short description of the exhibition / exhibition project – a text (maximum length of 1 page/about 1,800 characters) clearly explaining the idea of the exhibition;
2. Visual documentation includes instructions for reviewing the video material and/or maximum of 10 images: from video material, sketches, drawings, etc., that illustrate the exhibition/work(s). Please send images in the JPEG format, in PDF document or as zipped file (MAX 8MB);
3. Biography/biographies of the authors and/or participants;
Note: You do not need to send catalogues, portfolios, DVDs, brochures or other similar documentation; they will not be taken into consideration. We will acknowledge successful receipt of competition material to everyone via e-mail.
The final list of the selected proposals will be published on the site of the Cultural Centre of Belgrade www.kcb.org.rs lately in August 2021.