Presentataion of the publication NONUMENT

Gallery Artget, Trg republike 5/I
Tuesday, Septembar 21, 07.00 PM
Presentataion of the publication NONUMENT (MoTA, Ljubljana 2020)
Particpants: Miloš Kosec, Vladimir Dulović (NGO Tačka komunikacije) and Ljubica Slavković
Moderator: Danica Jovović Prodanović
The NONUMENT publication was created as a result of years of research into the fate and future of a wide range of endangered, neglected, and once celebrated buildings, styles and buildings. NONUMENT sheds light on many of the fiercest debates in the fields of architecture and conservation, but also the political and cultural forces shaping them.
The term nonument describes architectures, public spaces and monuments that have undergone a process of transformation within which they have acquired a new meaning. Nonuments are hidden, abandoned, unwanted or otherwise forgotten built spaces, which used to have a strong symbolic value, and have the potential to be repurposed, reclaimed and reused.
The NONUMENT publication, structured in four sections: Reflections, Case Studies, Index of nonuments, Visual essays, brings together a number of theory and practice-based insights on the neologism nonument and on connected issues of architectural memorialization, negation, abandonment and ruination.