17. Free Zone Film Festival / 8.11.2021. / 11.00

08.11.2021., 11:00

11.00 Колажи о лажи (док.)
Directors: Nebojša Slijepčević, Judita Gamulin
Country: Croatia
Year: 2021.
Language: Croatian
Production: Eclectica za HRT – Hrvatsku radioteleviziju

The question that already marks the contemporary media, and will become crucial in the future, is how to distinguish the forgery from the original, how to distinguish the lie from the truth, how to create a credible picture of reality. The documentary series “Collages of Lies” confronts us with just that question. Through six episodes: Fake News, Fake Footage, Documentary, Advertising, Conspiracy Theories and Virtual Identities, the series deals with a broad topic of media and technological lies. Through the episodes, the possibilities of modern media and technologies are demonstrated, and the audience will have the opportunity to see and conduct the experiment in the real world.

13.30 Rrugës së babait (doc.)
Director: Alba Cikaqi
Country: Kosovo*
Year: 2021.
Runtime: 7’
Language: Albanian
Subtitles: Serbian
Production: DokuFest


Faton and Fatlind are some of the many children of the martyrs of freedom in our country. Coming from a family that gave Kosovo* soldiers for 4 generations in a row, Fatlind continues the tradition by serving in the Kosovo Army, but always looking up to his martyred father. Special thanks to the Haxhaj Family, particularly to Xhemajli Haxhaj, the father of Haxhi Haxhaj martyr.

Alba is a 17-year-old from Prizren who has just finished High School. She is passionate about community work, history, philosophy, and now her newest interest, cinematography.

Night out (doc.)
Directors: Future is Here Collective comprised of Art Ukqa
Country: Kosovo*
Year: 2021.
Runtime: 8’
Cast: Ben Gorani, Hana Sedolli, Jon Nila and Saranda Bytyçi.
Language: Albanian
Subtitles: Serbian
Production: DokuFest


After the quarantine a group of youngsters rejoin in a pub.

Future is Here Collective comprised of Art Ukqa, Ben Gorani, Endrit Jakupi, Hana Ahmeti, Hana Sedolli, Jetë Kadriu, Jon Nila and Saranda Bytyçi worked on this project during the winter camp of the film school ‘Future is Here’.

Stillness (doc.)
Director: Katarina Jug
Country: Serbia
Year: 2021
Runtime: 19’48’’
Languege: Serbian
Subtitles: English
Productiin: Slobodna zona Junior (Fond B92)

This story follows the lives and memories of the people who live in the forgotten Canal streets as well as their silent

The cases (doc.)
Director: Milica Rauški
Country: Serbia
Year: 2021
Runtime: 16’51’’
Language: Serbian
Subtitles: English, Serbian
Production: Slobodna zona Junior (Fond B92)

Women’s Tales (doc.)
Director: Tamara Zelenak
Country: Serbia
Year: 2021.
Runtime: 21’11’’
Language: Serbian
Subtitles: English
Production: Slobodna zona Junior (Fond B92)

The three most important women in my life, at different ages, meet and talk about marriage, love, feminism, about the past and the future.

Author’s statement
When I look deep inside myself, I see my sister, my aunt and my grandma. I want to capture and save from the oblivion, the mosaic of their memories, recollections, wishes and our shared moments.

About the author
Tamara Zelenak was born in Zrenjanin seventeen years ago. She is a student at the Zrenjanin High School. This is her first experience in the world of film.

Who is whose? (doc.)
Director: Jana Toman
Country: Srbija
Year: 2021
Runtime: 19’
Language: Serbian, Slovak
Subtitles: English, Serbian
Production: Slobodna zona Junior (Fond B92)

In Boljevci near Belgrade, things like this have been happening for 200 years, but this is the first time that these two families have found themselves in a situation where it is important whose he is and whose she is.

Author’s statement
This project started as a question of what happens when two people of different religions want to get married in a church, but it also opened many that we were not even aware we had and that are not always closely related to religion. In this way, I want the voice of evangelical Slovaks from Boljevac to be heard, to whom I myself belong, and to whom my youngest sister Danuša also belong, who is the central person of this film with her fiance Stefan.

About the author
Jana Toman (1995) completed her undergraduate and master’s studies at the Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Belgrade, and completed her education at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad. She directs theater plays for children, folklore, is a choreographer at the Boljevac KUD, a newspaper correspondent and has numerous seminars on Slovak language and folklore and theater directing, but, of all that, she is most pleased with pedagogical work with children.
16.00 The Storkman (doc.)
Director: Tomislav Jelinčić
Country: Croatia, Slovenia, Italy
Year: 2020.
Runtime: 76’
Language: Croatian
Cast: Stjepan Vokić
Production: Antitalent Produkcija, Croatian Radiotelevision, RTV Slovenija, Tramal Films


Storkman is a story about Malena and Klepetan, storks looked after by Stjepan Vokić, a retired widower from Slavonski Brod. Hunters shot Malena’s wing 28 years ago leaving her tied to the ground for life. Taking her over, Stjepan had saved her life. Ever since, the two of them have been spending their days together, most of the time waiting for a new spring and warm weather.
Malena found the love of her life on the roof of Stjepan’s garage in 2002. Klepetan, as Stjepan calls him, comes back to her each year, and so far they’ve raised over 60 baby storks. But each fall brings a sad parting-Klepetan and the storks are heading back towards Africa, and Malena stays alone in the village with Stjepan.
Without Stjepan, Malena wouldn’t be able to survive the winter and welcome Klepetan every year. Anyway, what would Stjepan even do without Malena? The years pass, seasons change and the painful fall always comes, but so does the joyful spring. This is a story about Malena, Klepetan and Stjepan, about their true loyalty… and at the same time about their deep solitude.

Tomislav Jelinčić is an academic director born in Zagreb where he still lives and works. He gratuated in Film and Television directing at the Dramatic Art Academy, majoring in Documentary film. He also has a degree in journalism from Faculty of Political Science in Zagreb. At the Days of Croatian film festival in 2013 he was awarded the best debutant with his film Pun kufer. The same year his film Deadline/Lifeline won at ZagrebDox in the Phonedox category. At FRKA- Film review of Theater Academy in 2015 he won the Grand prix with the movie Borba. He currently works as an editor and journalist at RTL channel.

Audience Award, Liburnia Film Festival 2020.
DocAviv Film Festival 2021.
K3 Film Festival 2020.

18.30 Radiograph of a Family (doc.)
Director: Firouzeh Khosrovani
Country: Norway, Iran, Switzerland
Year: 2020.
Runtime: 82’
Language: Farsi, French
Cast: Soheila Golestani, Christophe Rezai, Farahnaz Sharifi
Production: Antipode Films, RainyPictures, Dschoint Ventschr Filmproduktion AG


I am the product of Iran’s struggle between secularism and the Islamic ideology. My parents’ love story takes us from the Shah era to the Islamic Revolution and the hardships during the Iran-Iraq War, up to the present day – all in our home in Tehran. In my childhood, I was constantly forced to choose between my parents; each day, I endured imposition from one side and acceptance from the other.

Born in Tehran, Firouzeh Khosrovani settled in Italy to pursue her artistic studies at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera. After graduating in 2002 she returned to Iran and acquired her Master’s degree in Journalism. She now lives between Tehran and Rome.
Her debut film, Life Train (2004), is a documentary on the ‘play’ therapy provided for the traumatized children of the earthquake in Bam.
In 2007, she directed Rough Cut, a film about mutilated plastic mannequins in the shop windows of Tehran, which won thirteen international film festival awards.
Her last work, Fest of Duty, follows two adolescent girls as they transition into adulthood, eight years after their official Fest of Duty. The film won the OXFAM award at IDFA in 2014.

Best Feature-Length Documentary, Best Creative Use of Archive, IDFA 2020
Movies That Matter, Special Mention, ZagrebDox 2021
Best Film, MakeDox Creative Documentary Film Festival 2021

21.00 Speer Goes to Hollywood (doc.)
Director: Vanessa Lapa
Country: Israel, Austria, Germany
Year: 2021.
Runtime: 98’
Language: English, German, French
Cast: Albert Speer (archive footage)
Production: ORF, Realworks, Yes Docu


How did a man in charge of 12 million slaves become “the good Nazi”?
A cautionary tale about Albert Speer’s 1971 attempt to whitewash his past with a Hollywood adaptation of his bestselling wartime memoir, Inside the Third Reich.

Vanessa Lapa is an accomplished journalist, who produced and directed over 100 news reports and documentaries for Israeli TV. In 2006 she founded Realworks Ltd., an independent production company, specializing in documentary film. Its projects include Olmert: Concealed Documentary (2009), about Israel’s former prime minister, and award-winning documentary The Decent One (2014), a glimpse into the mind of SS chief Heinrich Himmler, based on his personal diaries, which was officially selected for Panorama at the Berlinale. In 2020, she returned to the Berlinale, officially selected for Berlinale Specials, with a feature documentary about Reichsminister Albert Speer, Speer Goes to Hollywood.

Best Director, Jerusalem Film Festival 2021
Berlin International Film Festival 2020
