Curated by Ana Ereš
Artists: Dušica Dražić, Siniša Ilić& Bojan Đorđev, Ivana Kličković, Žolt Kovač, Nikola Marković, Goran Micevski, Vladimir Nikolić, Ivan Petrović, Ivan Šuletić
Art Gallery, Knez Mihailova 6
14. 1 – 24.2. 2022.
The author of the 2022 edition of the traditional annual exhibition Critics Have Chosen – critics’ reception of contemporary visual art, continuously presented at the Art Gallery since 1967, is art historian Ana Ereš the winner of the Lazar Trifunović Award for 2017.
… The exhibition Abstract Landscape 2.0, held as part of the Critics Have Chosen programme, is motivated by the layered history of the exhibition space where it is held and developed as a commentary on one point in this history – the aforementioned exhibition Abstract Landscape in 1962. Just as Čelebonović borrowed the term from French criticism and modified its meaning so, for the purpose of this exhibition, the term abstract landscape is used “without rigidity and stasis, as a contextual inducement for confronting the views of contemporary practices of artists on the landscape.
…The exhibition Abstract Landscape 2.0 is not limited to formally abstract language of painting but brings together the views of artists who, from different methodological, media and semantic starting points, re-examine landscape as a genre, a motif or contextual and linguistic framework of their artistic research
Ana Ereš is a research associate at the Art History Department of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. Her main areas of research are the history of modernism and the exhibition history of the Yugoslav art space in the 20th century. She regularly publishes articles in national and international scientific journals. Publications: Mrđan Bajić: skulptotektura [Sculptotecture] (2013); Skulptura: medij, metod, društvena praksa [Sculpture: Medium, Method, Social Practice] (2016, co-editor); Marko Čelebonović (2017; 2018, co-author), Jugoslavija na Venecijanskom bijenalu (1938-1990) – kulturne politike i politike izložbe [Yugoslavia at the Venice Biennale (1938-1990) – Cultural Policies and Exhibition Policies], awarded with The Pavle Vasić Award in 2020. She is a winner of the Lazar Trifunović Award for critical writing about art (2017).
Text by Ana Ereš download here
Biographies of artists download here