(ON SET WITH) LILLY REICH / 17.6.2022. / 17.00

Spain, 2022, 33’
Director: Laura Lizondo Sevilla, Débora Domingo Calabuig, Avelina Prat García
The short film project (ON SET WITH) LILLY REICH combines original documental sources with newly created visual material, in order to reflect the limitation of recognition in the professional field to Lilly Reich. Opting for the production and filming of a documentary as a means of disseminating the stated objective, authors Laura Lizondo Sevilla, Débora Domingo Calabuig, and Avelina Prat García have created a story that puts two timelines in parallel: the one of its production and the one of its historical representation.
* After the screening, there will be an interview with the participation of: Ivan Blasi, Tanja Damljanović Konli and Dijana Milašinović Marić