to dwell: BEST (Belgrade Encounters South Tyrol)
Group exhibition
3. 12 – 21. 1. 2023
Saturday, 3 December at 11 a.m.
Gallery Prisma, Bolzano, Italy
The group exhibition curated by David Callas was created as collaboration between the Cultural Center of Belgrade (KCB), the Belgrade International Architecture Week (BINA) and the Sudtiroler Kunstlerbund (SKB).The exibitions consist of: 6 architecture teams: 3 from Belgrade : 3 from South Tyrol : 3 generations : 18 projects : 18 interpretations of to dwell : 18 different realities : And a lot of insights into architectural approaches.
The exhibition is open till 21 January 2023.
Participants from Italy: Othmar Barth, Martin Gruber Arhitekti i NAEMAS Arhitekturkoncept
Participants from Serbia: Aleksandar Stjepanović, SARDO Arhitekti i AKVS Arhitektura
Curator: David Kalas
Photographs from the opening of the exhibition: