Fine Arts Gallery – 6 Knez Mihailova St.
Aug. 31 – Sept. 23, 2023
Opening on 31st August at 19:00
Curator: Jovana Trifuljesko
Accompanying programme:
Friday, 1 September at 18:00
A talk with the artist Petrit Hoxha and presentation of his work Yugo – the-non game
Free entrance • In English
Thursday, 14 September at 18:00
Lecture „Art and Video-games”, lecturer Manojlo Maravić
Yugowave is an interactive video installation in which the viewer/participant moves through a dystopian, abandoned, industrial virtual space, where there are screens displaying music videos created in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the 1980s. The exhibition includes motifs from video games transformed into artistic practice, and the effect of this is the transformation of observers, visitors and viewers into active participants. Using the example of the Yugoslav heritage and the wars of the 1990s, the work problematizes the creative and subversive potential of culture in relation to the dominant political matrices, whose aim is to produce conflict situations and constant crisis in society. At the same time, the work topicalizes a historical experience and tries to relate it to the contemporary moment, to younger generations of gamers through creative use of new technologies and their relocation into a public, gallery space.
The entire text by Jovana Trifuljesko you can retreive from here
* Stanko Gagrčin is the author of several interactive virtual audio-video installations: Work 36 Questions, Yugowave, Porta and a number of short experimental films, presented at the Martovski festival (Belgrade Documentary and Short Film Festival), Mikro FAF (Micro Festival of Amateur Film) in Belgrade, Lab Cultural Centre, Firchie Studio, Dom B612 Cultural Centre, Impulse Festival (Novi Sad), LGBT Shorts (USA), Cinema Underexposed (Netherlands).
He graduated in Stage Architecture, Design and Technology from the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad in 2017 and attended a course in experimental film at the filmArche Film School in Berlin in 2019. He has presented his works in solo and group exhibitions: Nowdays, Florence Contemporary, Florence; Mood, Artweeks 2023, Ovada Gallery, Oxford; Digital Blooming, LAB Cultural Centre, Novi Sad (2023); NFT Auction, No Concept, Belgrade; Lacuna Festival, Canary Islands, Spain; Gerhard Flekač’s exhibition Cabinet of Wonders, Novi Sad; Binar, Vila Nova de Famalicao, Portugal (2022); Grad Cultural Centre, Belgrade; Laza Kostić Cultural Centre, Sombor; Homesession Gallery, Barcelona.
He works as a videographer and graphic designer for the Network of Cultural Stations in Novi Sad and, in 2021, began to work as a scenographer, assistant and project manager at the Novi Sad European Capital of Culture 2022 Foundation. He received a Prince Claus Fund 2022 Award for new artists.