Explanation for Everything / Magyarázat mindenre / 20-26.06.2024. / 17:30

20.06.2024-26.06.2024, 17:30

Explanation for Everything / Magyarázat mindenre
Hungary, Slovakia, 2023, 151’

Director: Gábor Reisz

Cast: Gáspár Adonyi-Walsh, István Znamenák, Rusznák András, Rebeka Hatházi, Eliza Sodró…

Abel is a high school student struggling to focus on his final exams, while being hopelessly in love with his best friend Janka.

Festivals / Awards: Chicago International Film Festival – Gold Hugo for Best Feature and Best Screenplay, Uruguay International Film Festival – Best Director, Venice Film Festival – Venice Horizons Award for Best Film, International Film Festival Febiofest Bratislava – The Heart of Europe Award for Best Film


