FAMILY TIME / Mummola / 27.06.-02.07.2024. / 20:00

27.06.2024-02.07.2024, 20:00

Finland, Sweden 2023, 114’

Director: Tia Kouvo

Cast: Ria Kataja, Elina Knihtilä, Leena Uotila, Tom Wentzel, Jarkko Pajunen, Sakari Topi, Elli Paajanen, Toomas Talikka…

It’s Christmas time and the family is gathered. Everything goes as usual; grandfather drinks too much and grandmother is trying to keep up everyone’s mood. After Christmas, the family members go back to their own, private lives, until it’s time for yet another family occasion. A tragicomic study on family dynamics, on loneliness and being together. On how we try to find connection, but don’t always succeed.

Festivals / Awards: Berlinalne, Best Film Award at Riga IFF, Lubeck Nordic Film Days, International Women’s FF Seoul, Finnish Film Awards – Three Jussi Awards for Best Screenplay, Best Directing and Best Film of the Year.
