24th International Festival “The Days of Organ – Dies organorum”: FILIPE VERÍSSIMO and BERISLAV JERKOVIĆ

Portuguese organist Filipe Veríssimo will perform together with baritone Berislav Jerković, full professor at the Academy of Arts in Osijek. Before that, they will perform in Croatia. Verisimo will also perform works for solo organ.
Charles-Marie Widor (1844–1937)
Allegro vivace from Symphony for organ No. 5 in F minor, Op. 42/1
Franz Liszt (1811–1886)
Cantico del sol di Francesco d´Assisi for baritone and organ
Charles-Marie Widor
Adagio from Symphony for organ No. 5 in F minor, Op. 42/1
Franz Liszt
Ave maris stella for baritone and organ
Charles-Marie Widor
Toccata from Symphony for organ No. 5 in F minor, Op. 42/1
Leo Sowerby (1895–1968)
Whoso dwelleth (Psalm 91) from Three Psalms for baritone and organ, H. 228
Maurice Durufle (1902–1986)
Prelude and Fugue on the name A.L.A.I.N., Op. 7
Filipe Veríssimo (Porto, 1975) graduated in Sacred Music from the Art School of Universidade Católica Portuguesa, where he studied Organ and Improvisation, Choral Conducting and Orchestral conducting. He attended numerous organ master classes with L. Antoniotti, O. Latry, E. Lebrun, D. Roth, etc. In 2002, he was appointed title organist and capel master of the church in Lapa (Porto). Since then, in close collaboration with Canon Dr. Ferreira dos Santos, he has worked intensively as a choir and orchestra conductor, preparing and conducting some of the most important works of the choral-symphonic repertoire. As an organist, he held numerous concert tours, mostly as part of national and international organ festivals, in Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Belgium and Poland. He is a member of an international team of organists who, since 2009, have been performing a European concert tour of La Révolte des Orgues for large organ, eight positive organs, percussion and conductor, the famous French organist and composer Jean Guillou. He won the 1st prize of the First State Organ Competition. He is an honorary Capela Mestre of the Venerable Ordem Terceira de São Francisco, artistic director of the São Francisco Music Cycle and consultant to Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto in the area of sacred music. Teacher at the Art School of the Catholic University of Portugal and at the Major Seminary in Porto. In 2021, he founded the FIOMS – International Festival of Organ and Sacred Music of the Metropolitan Area and Diocese of Porto.
dr. Berislav Jerković (1977), full professor at the Academy of Arts in Osijek, where he teaches the main subject Voice and related subjects (Opera Studio, Conducting, Vocal Literature and Interpretation…). He graduated in Voice, Conducting and Music Pedagogy (Music Academies in Zagreb, in Osijek and in Pécs, Hungary), postgraduate studies in Singing (University of Zagreb and University of Graz) and doctoral studies in Vocal Pedagogy (University of Zagreb).
Sang numerous roles in opera houses in Osijek, Zagreb, Novi Sad and Johannesburg. Performed with numerous orchestras and gave numerous solo recitals at concerts and festivals around the world. Collaborated with the Croatian Baroque Ensemble and the Savaria Baroque Ensemble. He is very active in scientific and artistic research, conferences and congresses. Leads master classes and professional seminars for singers, conductors, leaders of choirs and vocal ensembles. Also leads an intensive conducting career, performing at concerts with choirs, vocal and instrumental ensembles.
Artistic director of the Opera Pannonica ensemble and the International Singing Competition Lav Mirski, Croatia. Author of the books Singing class curriculum (2019) and Contemporary singing education (2021). Head of the Music Department at the Academy of Arts in Osijek.