21st International Festival “Ars vivendi clavicembalum” – “Ivanka Simonović Sequi’s harpsichord”

Ivanka Simonović Sekqui was one of the first female harpsichord in the former Yugoslavia. According to her wishes, the family donated her instrument to the Faculty of Music in Belgrade. This instrument was completely restored in 2024 and is ready for use at Faculty, as well as for concert performance.
At the this concert lecture harpsichordist and professor of harpsichord at Faculty, Milan Popović will present this instrument and talk about this important artist. The lecture will be complemented by inserts from the documentary show Life with Music – Ivanka Simonović, which was given to us by Radio-television of Serbia for this occasion.
Giles Farnaby (1563–1640)
Fantasia 10
François Couperin (1668–1733)
Les Folies françoises, ou les Dominos
La Virginite
La Pudeur
La Fidélité
La Persévérance
La Langueur
La Coqueterie
Les Vieux galants et les Tresorieres Suranées
Les Coucous Benevoles
La Frenesie, ou Le Desespoir
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750)
Concerto for solo keyboard No. 5 in C major, BWV 976 (after A. Vivaldi, Op. 3/12)
Domenico Scarlatti (1685–1757)
Sonata in E major, K. 215 (Andante)
Sonata in D minor, K. 444 (Allegrissimo)
Sonata in C major, K. 502 (Allegro)