Building as Unowned Property, by Maria Eichhorn ▪︎ Book Promotion ▪︎ 60th October Salon

⫸ Wednesday, November 20, 18.00, Cinema Hall of the Cultural Centre of Belgrade
⫸ Book presentation and public discussion: Kτίριο ως περιουσία άνευ ιδιοκτήτη / Building as Unowned Property, by Maria Eichhorn
⫸ Speakers: Adam Szymczyk, curator and artistic director of documenta 14, Constantina Theodorou, architect and urban researcher, Lorenzo Balbi and Dobrila Denegri, curators of the 60th October Salon, and Maria Eichhorn, the author
Maria Eichhorn’s work Kτίριο ως περιουσία άνευ ιδιοκτήτη / Building as Unowned Property (2017-) was produced on the occasion of documenta 14 in Athens. It consists of purchasing real estate in Athens, on which the legal status of unowned property is conferred, to create a free site where global capitalism’s impact on the urban fabric can be rethought from an artistic and feminist-Marxist perspective. The publication records the ongoing process of purchasing the property and changing its status to unowned property since 2017. The publication, with essays by Anne Rorimer, André Rottmann, Adam Szymczyk, and Constantina Theodorou, was released in September 2024 by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz Kõnig, Cologne and the Migros Museum fūr Gegenwartskunst, Zurich.
⫸ Numerous visitors to the 59th Biennale of Contemporary Art in Venice in 2022 remember Maria Eichhorn’s impressive work Relocating a Structure, when, by stripping the walls and foundation of the German Pavilion, she exposed the historical layers of German history and the Nazi past.
Maria Eichhorn is an artist based in Berlin. Her work has been the subject of solo exhibitions at the Künstlerhaus Stuttgart (2024); Migros Museum of Contemporary Art, Zurich (2018/19); Chisenhale Gallery, London (2016); Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver (2015); Kunsthaus Bregenz (2014). In 2022, she represented Germany at the 59th Venice Biennale. In 2021 she was awarded the “Käthe Kollwitz” Award of the Academy of Arts, Berlin. Maria Eichhorn participated in documenta 14, Athens and Kassel (2017); documenta 11, Kassel (2002); and the 56th Venice Biennale (2015). Her publications include Kτίριο ως περιουσία άνευ ιδιοκτήτη (Building as Unowned Property, 2024), Relocating a Structure (2022); Hannah Arendt: Jewish Cultural Reconstruction Field Reports, Memoranda, etc. (2021); Film Lexicon of Sexual Practices / Prohibited Imports (2019); a Catalogue raisonné (2017), and 5 weeks, 25 days, 175 hours (2016). She also initiated the website (2017).