THERE’S STILL TOMORROW / C’è ancora domani / 26.12. & 28-29.12.2024. / 18:00
26.12.2024-29.12.2024, 18:00

THERE’S STILL TOMORROW / C’è ancora domani
Italy, 2023, 118’
Director: Paola Cortellesi
Cast: Paola Cortellesi, Valerio Mastandrea, Romana Maggiora Vergano, Emanuela Fanelli, Giorgio Colangeli
Set in postwar 1940s Italy, it follows Delia breaking traditional family patterns and aspiring to a different future, after receiving a mysterious letter.
Festivals / Awards: Rome Film Fest – Special Jury Award, Audience Award; Göteborg Film Festival – Dragon Award (International Competition); Sydney Film Festival – Best Film; Free Zone Festival Belgrade…